A Car Repair Miracle


Seven hundred fifty dollars!  That’s how much it was going to cost to fix my SUV.  It’s not that I didn’t have the money; it just seemed like such a waste.  The vehicle wasn’t even running poorly.  A Check Engine light needed to be shut off so the SUV would pass an emissions test and I could renew the vehicle registration.  I reluctantly made an appointment with my local mechanic to get the sensor replaced.

A few days prior to the appointment, I was driving around town when I noticed that the Check Engine light had turned off.  I drove directly to an emissions testing site.  Afraid to mess with a good thing, I didn’t even turn off the ignition when I went inside to inquire about the test.  There was a 15-minute wait, the man said, but they could do the test today.  While I waited I prayed to God that the light would stay off so that I wouldn’t need to get the SUV repaired. “God,” I promised, “if You save me the money, I will give it away.”  Fifteen minutes later, I was back on the road with a certificate for the passed emissions test in hand.

A couple days later, my husband was meeting with a colleague who is a principal of a small Christian school in the Dominican Republic.  She explained to my husband that the school didn’t have enough money to pay the teachers the following week.  “How much are you short?” my husband asked.  

“Seven hundred fifty dollars,” she replied.—Mary B.

Image by Ryan Doka from Pixabay


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