Thirsting for Living Water shares dozens of stories about God’s work as the Master Strategist. Here, we invite you to share your story or read stories submitted by others. Reading these stories and looking for examples of God’s faithfulness in your own life will make you more attuned to how God is working. As our awareness grows, we are more able to join in the redemption story God is writing now.

Redemption: A Mother’s Story
The author’s mother was a tough cookie with no time for the “crutch” of religion or faith. Then, a newspaper clipping changed that.

Discover Your Stories: New Companion to Thirsting for Living Water
This new companion to Thirsting for Living Water is a free resource for individuals and small groups who want to discover stories of God’s faithfulness.

Rich Stearns on How God Got His Attention
Long before Rich Stearns was the CEO of World Vision US, he lost his job, twice. Here, he shares the story of how God got his attention.

Five Remarkable Stories of God’s Faithfulness
Last month I hosted 5 webcasts to share stories of God’s faithfulness. These conversations brought me tremendous joy - and I want to share that with you. Find recordings of the interviews.

Novelist Lynn Austin on Believing God’s Call to be a Writer
It took 11 years from the time Lynn Austin said, “I think I’ll write a book,” to the time the book was finally published. Along the way, God gave her a clear sign to keep going: the trumpet player’s mother.

Calling the Church to Unity
Stories from the 2021 Genius of One conference include this testimony from Pastor James Manda of Zimbabwe. “What I’ve learnt today as a leader is to take a step in incorporating other people. It’s very important that we do not allow segregation to rob us of the unity we ought to have as the church. This is because Christ’s desire is that we should be one. I am very thankful for this opportunity that I’ve been privileged to part of.”
The Luau that Launched a New Journey
In April 2008, I took my 5-year-old daughter to a Daddy Daughter Hawaiian Luau. I was glad to spend time with her but I was not expecting a stimulating evening. Instead, it was life changing …
Learning from Mistakes and Heart Break
When I came back to the US in 1991, two images in my mind became my motivation to stay engaged in ministry. One was that of Stan Cannata who rolled over a cliff, leaving unfinished work. The other was the small boy with a distended belly and dirty shorts watching our rig as we drove into the first community in Olancho, Honduras. We locked eyes on each other for just a few seconds. There was no hint of fear or mistrust, just bewilderment and hope. …
Playing with Water & Dirt: One Man’s Story of Service
A few days ago, I got a donor survey from Living Water. At the bottom was a question about how I got involved in Living Water. After thinking back for a few minutes, I finally wrote "lifelong calling." This is my story.
I enjoyed playing with water and dirt as a kid. …

Treasure in Heaven
I was in my twenties and if I didn’t start seeing my Christian faith expressed through action, I was ready to walk away from it all.
Leaders at my church suggested I join the stewardship committee. They said it would show people how much the youth cared about church fundraising. The problem was I didn’t care about church fundraising at all, not even a little bit, so I decided to consult Jesus. His advice to the rich young man was what leapt out at me …

Living Water International’s First Big Rig
In the fall of 1990, I got a call from my friend Gary Evans.
“How would you like to go to Africa with me and Harry (Westmoreland)?” he asked. My mind was flooded with just how many ways I could say NO to his invitation. The most obvious that came to mind was my upcoming family vacation to Hawaii, and given the choice, Hawaii it would be. I was curious, however, and asked “Why Africa?” Gary shared that he and Harry had seen firsthand the overwhelming need for the love of Christ and clean water while on a mission trip the prior spring with our church Sugar Creek Baptist. Given my career in energy exploration, they thought I might be able to contribute drilling expertise on this follow up trip with he, Harry, Kyle Evans and Bob Dunn to drill some wells and tell people about Christ. So sure that I would NOT be going to Africa, the Lord began to work on me until I found myself a few weeks later on a plane bound for none other than Mombasa, Kenya. …

The Miracle Meal
“Anyone here know how to deal with the government?” our pastor asked. “We came here to drill a well, but we can’t do it with our drill rig locked up in customs!”
I’d worked as a legislative aid to Texas Congressman Charlie Wilson, so I raised my hand. Little did I know, five soldiers with automatic weapons would soon escort me to a jail cell as a result.
None of us could have imagined this was the founding mission trip of Living Water International. We didn’t even have a drill rig. Harry Westmoreland had shipped a rig to Kenya six months before, but nobody could get it out of customs. …

A Car Repair Miracle
Seven hundred fifty dollars! That’s how much it was going to cost to fix my SUV. It’s not that I didn’t have the money; it just seemed like such a waste. The vehicle wasn’t even running poorly. A Check Engine light needed to be shut off so the SUV would pass an emissions test and I could renew the vehicle registration. I reluctantly made an appointment with my local mechanic to get the sensor replaced. …

Helping 100,000 People, One Can at a Time
Bear Creek Community Church in northern California wanted to increase their congregation’s ability to provide water to thirsty communities. But it was the middle of a recession, and the church didn’t feel comfortable asking members for more money. …
Unused Building Becomes Hub for Hurricane Harvey Response
A few years before Hurricane Harvey brought unprecedented damage to Houston, Ecclesia Church had purchased an old downtown strip club and bar to use as a ministry base. But plans to renovate the building were put on hold when the Texas Department of Transportation said they’d need to demolish the property to build a freeway. Then Harvey hit, damaging 135,000 homes and pouring 19 trillion gallons of water over the area. …

God’s Surprising Comfort During Grief
A few years ago, my mother-in-law collapsed on a Sunday morning and died. Her children and grandchildren rushed back to their hometown, and we spent the days between her death and the funeral grieving together in the family home. Because of the suddenness of her passing, we all longed for one last word from her. A day or two after her death, …